Case Study 

Northumbrian Water


Northumbrian Water needed to improve engagement rates with their non responsive customer segment from the current level of less than 10%.

Inicio AI delivered a standalone pilot with minimal requirements for advisor training and process change and zero technology change.


Engagement Rates


Consumer Completion Rate


Identified in benefits

“We began with a simple proof of concept that was easy to implement, starting small with a few colleagues and gradually scaling up.


The Inicio team was responsive and flexible to our needs, and the system is so easy to use. Consumers find their user-friendly I&E straight forward and stress-free to complete, and the support of the ‘little budgie‘ is delighting both customers and my team”

Lisa Connell, Customer Service Manager

It’s so refreshing to implement a new system that requires so little agent training, which immediately works and adds value.


Team Manager

When you are doing it on the phone you can feel judged on what you’re spending. If you’re doing it on your own and it’s an easy form like this then it makes you be a bit more transparent and a bit more reflective


I liked all the different categories for things like clothes and birthdays and gifts and that you could change the month to week etc it’s really hard to work things out on a yearly basis, so it helps to give you much more honest answers
