I'm Budgie!
I’m here to help your customers complete a detailed affordability form!
Our Trusted Network
Our clients and partners
A specialist Income & Expenditure trained virtual agent delivering improved CX and robust results
Income & Expenditure battle
The income and expenditure process is a relentless battle that plagues us all. Customers at best are irritated by it, and at worst are terrified by it. This critical first step proves a huge barrier to many, keeping them trapped in financial stress.
Robotic customer service
Customer service advisors are reduced to robotic bill processors, drained of enthusiasm and creativity, and spend hours with their customers simply trying to understand their circumstances, rather than being able to help.
Game changer
Companies face an uphill struggle to demonstrate their commitment to regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction. But here’s the game-changer: our ground breaking solution puts an end to this nightmare. Our clients can gather an endless stream of income and expenditure data 24/7, resulting in not just satisfied, but genuinely relieved customers.
Our backing
We are proud to be backed by these investors
“We think the affordability process should be efficient, fair, and make discussing money less difficult.
Inicio is unique in its specifically trained conversational AI technology, which enables genuine engagement and support for all customer needs, including the most vulnerable.”
Rachel Curtis, CEO of Inicio AI
Our Process
How does it work?
Our Process
How does it work?
Our friendly virtual agent (Budgie) provides consumers with the support they require to complete the task without the fear, embarrassment, or inconvenience of waiting to speak to a human agent.
Benefits Calculator
We increase engagement by creating an individually tailored form for each consumer so it’s quicker and easier for them. Our built-in benefits calculator seamlessly checks for any additional income they may be entitled to.
Mobile first solution
Our mobile first solution means consumers can complete the task wherever and whenever it suits them. We use multiple data sources to pre-populate and validate entries, resulting in 85% of people completing the form successfully on their own.
Well documented
We date and time stamp every interaction, consumer and agent, so the result is a detailed and verified income and expenditure position, supported by a robust audit trail.
Our Process
Key Benefits
Our Process
Key Benefits
Reduce your call centre costs
Reduce agent costs by up to 90%
Improve overall efficiency
Handle increasing volumes and improve customer outcomes
Demonstrate governance
Detailed records to demonstrate effective compliance
Consumer Completion Rate
Consumer Engagement
Found potential benefits
What our agents say
Advisor Feedback
We’re excited to offer this new tool to our customers—it’s simple to use. We can use it as a company to help more customers, which is great.
Customers can get help without feeling judged in this unique, simple, and friendly space. Thanks for giving customers options for filling it out so they can do it their way.
The efficiency and user-friendly design of the backend have significantly enhanced my ability to provide seamless assistance.
What our customers say
Customer Feedback
You can feel judged when you do it on the phone. Doing it on my own on an easy form like this made me be a bit more transparent and a bit more reflective.
It was simple, clear, and organised. I usually dread filling out these forms, but the language was positive about helping you with your money, and I like being able to download and save a copy.
I liked the different categories for clothes, birthdays, and gifts and that you could change the month to the week; it’s hard to work things out yearly, so it helps you give more honest answers.